Software Engineer

I write code, but also try to make writing code better for everyone.


Experience 🥇

Since 2018, I've been a software engineer and educator with a focus in web development. I have production-level experience across the stack having started in front-end development, transitioning into backend development, and eventually picking up some DevOps experience as well.

As an instructor, I taught full stack web development bootcamps for over 5 years before earning the priviledge of redesigning the web development courses for UF's online Web Design Master's program where I currently teach as an adjunct professor.

Technical Skills 🧠

  • Go / Golang,
  • JavaScript / TypeScript,
  • Node,
  • GraphQL and REST APIs,
  • Docker,
  • AWS,
  • Terraform,
  • PostgreSQL,
  • MySQL,
  • MongoDB,
  • React,
  • NextJS,
  • Semantic HTML, and
  • Modern CSS Layouts.

Why don't you check out some of my work below?



Full-Stack Book Tracker

Booker allows you to search for and favorite books using the Google Books API. It includes authentication and a Mongo database to allow for individual personalization for users.

I built this app as an example for one of my web development courses, so I don't have a public repository to share, unfortunately. I can tell you that the app does not use any CSS libraries or React libraries other than NextJS, so all the animations and styling are 100% me!

Tech Jr Podcast

Podcast for Junior Developers

Being a Junior Developer is tough. There's impostor syndrome, code reviews, and technology changing faster than you can learn it. And that's if you can even get a job in the first place. Wouldn't it be great if somebody tackled those issues head-on?

Eddie Otero and I did! We made the Tech Jr Podcast to help all Junior Developers. Eddie designed the site, and I built it! Our audio files are hosted on AWS S3, the site runs on Gridsome (a static-site-generator for Vue), and our RSS is generated at build time by Node.
Check out the Repo here:



Goal Tracking App

Goaler is a progressive web app that lets you keep track of all your goals. It allows you to add deadlines, group goals under parent goals, and helps sort your list based on the amount of time left (or past due).

This is one of my first big React projects before hooks were introduced. One day I'll migrate those class components to functional components... maybe.

Check out the Repo here:

firebase pwa

Strings and Things

Coding Blog

Learning to code is tough; lots of tutorials and guides assume you have a certain level of knowledge as a reader. If you're early in your coding journey, it can be tough to find accessible content to help you learn.

That lead me to start a blog. However, I wanted to do more than write about code, I wanted to show code. So I built live, executable, editable code snippets into the blog using Gatsby, React, and MDX. This allows readers to experiment with my examples and really grapple with the concepts I attempt to explain.
Check out the Repo here:

gatsby pwa


Translation App

I'm a bit of a language nerd. I have a degree in Japanese language, and I have never given up on trying to master Japanese.

I made Babelfish as an experiment in what web tech can do for language learning. Using experimental Chrome APIs, (and the chrome translation extension web API), I was able to make an app that can translate spoken word into another language, and then speak it back to you! The supported languages and microphone/audio functionality are supported best on chrome, but you can still use it as a quick translation app using the text input field at the bottom.
Check out the Repo here:

gatsby pwa



Blog: Strings and Things

Tech Jr Podcast: Site / Twitter


You can get in touch with me through:

Email: [email protected]

Social: Github / LinkedIn

You can check out my resume HERE